Storage tips for wet dog food

Enhance the shelf life of wet dog food by storing it in a cool, dry, and sealed place. Let’s un-discover some storage tips for wet dog food to enhance flavor!

wet puppy food

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Ethan Anderson Author at my dog cravings

Written By: Ethan Anderson

Team My Dog Cravings

About 35-37% of pet parents prefer a wet diet due to its chunky taste, high nutritional value and low calories. However, the common problem related to wet food is its storage. So, no more worries with fantastic storage tips for wet dog food!

High moisture food (80% water) is more susceptible to bacterial and mold attacks that cause spoilage. Canned food must be stored in appropriate airtight Zip seal bags or containers to enhance shelf life. Let’s debunk more wet dog food storage ideas!

a cute family of a dog, cat and a couple

Why is it hard to store wet dog food compared to dry kibble?

Wet dog food is more challenging to store because microorganisms thrive in moist places. Hence, food with a high water content of about 70%  is the best breeding ground for germs, while dry dog ​​food is more accessible to store because of its long shelf life of 12-18 months, so bacteria cannot attack them so quickly due to low moisture about 6-10%.

5 Easy storage tips for wet dog food

Many factors affect the chemical composition of a wet diet  that cause food spoiling, but the significant factors are temperature, heat, air and germs. So let’s keep a wet diet fresh for a long time with these unbelievable tips.

1- Never refrigerate wet dog food:

To maintain the nutritional value, taste and aroma of wet food, keep it in a cool place at 40-45°F in the fridge. But never refrigerate moist dog food. By doing this, there is a high risk of mold production, and the food spoils before its expiration date and loses its texture.

2- Use Airtight container:

It’s worth noticing that wet dog food spoils if left in the open air for too long, about four hours. So try to store canned food in an airtight container. Never store Wet food bags in cabinet drawers once opened. For this, I prefer the zip-tight bag that does not allow air, sunlight and humidity to enter the food.

3- Examine expiry date:

Regular food can stay fresh in the bowl for about five to seven hours after opening the plastic wrap if you keep it at the right temperature. But every can of food has an expiration date on the label. Some foods retain nutritional value for up to two years, and some for up to one year.

a yellow and a blue color bowl having dog food in it place together

4- Waste the leftover food:

If the food has been in the bowl for over four hours at 40C, try throwing away the dog food. Avoid mixing this open-air food with unused canned foods because doing so can spoil your dog’s diet and lead to many diseases in the canines.

5- Prevent cross-contamination:

Loving your dog and caring for its health is a pet parent’s top responsibility, so always try to wash your dog’s  food bowls and utensils with hot water or sterilize them to avoid contamination.


Last but not least, the pup’s health is the pet owner’s top priority. So be careful with their food. Always use fresh food to give your dog the best health. Keep food safe and fresh by keeping it in a cool place in a clean bowl. For more ideas on how to store  wet dog food, visit our website.

If you want to know about how to store dog food properly so you can check out this video if “Home Skooling 4 Dogs”.

Reviewer Jason Reynolds of my dog cravings review website

Reviewed By: Jason Reynolds

Team My Dog Cravings

Research References

Researcher Brian Mitchell at my dog cravings

Research By: Brian Mitchell

Team My Dog Cravings