Joint health with wet dog food

Canine arthritis and severe joint pain are chronic disorders that cause immobility. Let’s improve your furry fellow joint health with wet dog food in a few months!

wet puppy food

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Ethan Anderson Author at my dog cravings

Written By: Ethan Anderson

Team My Dog Cravings

Muscular spasms, joint pain, arthritis or deposition of calcium urea in joints are more painful in dogs than in humans. According to research, every dog in 5 suffers from joint diseases in a lifetime. As a pet parent, seeing a pup in pain is heartbreaking. So now, after detailed research, it is possible to enhance joint health with wet dog food.

About 80% of dog breeds suffer from joint diseases at the age of 8 that cause potential mobility issues in canines. Therefore, a wet diet for canines is the best solution to treat joint issues as fortified with glucosamine and chondroitin to improve joint health. The high-fiber content food is ideal for pups with joint or bone problems. Let’s debunk more about wet dog food and joint health!

veterinary checking a brown fur dog knee

Do you know?

About 80-85 percent of pups at the age of 3 are suffering from periodontal health issues. That causes pain and swelling in the gums.

Joint diseases in dog due to imbalance diet

Strong bones and muscles are essential for dogs to perform their physical activities well. 

  • Do not feed your dog too much or too little because if the dog’s food is too much, he will become very overweight. All the calories are ingested, which can cause muscle diseases. 
  • If your dog is getting too little energy intake, he will go into retarded growth, which will affect his size and his muscles and bones.

 Joint diseases that occur in dogs are arthritis, osteoarthritis and inflammation of the joint. The best-wet dog diet cannot eliminate all these diseases, but they can be controlled.

Content of wet dog food for joint health:

Here, I have mentioned the list of contents veterinarians recommend for improved joint health in dogs. Let’s discuss added nutrients in a moisture-rich diet for improved joint health.

Joint health dog food ingredient


Omega-3 fatty acids:

  • Have anti-inflammatory properties to reduce inflammation in painful full joints,


  • Helps in the growth of damaged cartilage.


  • Lower the pain by reducing swelling in joints and enhance joint cartilage growth.


  • It is also a potent anti-inflammatory agent added to a wet diet to reduce joint pain.


  • Collagen improves the strength and growth of tendons, ligaments and muscles. It is best for aged dogs to repair the loss of collagen in joints.

Effect of wet dog food on joint health:

A wet diet with low carbohydrates and high moisture content is best for pet parents looking for food that treats all their dog joint issues. There are the following benefits of canned food for furry friends.

1- Maintain body growth and promote healthy joints:

Like humans, dogs also need a balanced diet. The uncontrolled uptake of nutrients in dogs’ diets leads to hip and elbow dysplasia diseases.

Hip dysplasia

  • Due to retarded growth of ball and socket joints cause difficulty in mobility.

Elbow dysplasia

  • Occur due to inappropriate growth of elbow joint.

Both diseases are related to the breed’s genetics but extra uptake of nutrients compared to  normal elevates these diseases. Therefore, wet food for canines provides balanced nutrients according to the age of the dog so proper body weight and joint health can be maintained.

2- Decrease the risk of arthritis:

Dog Osteo-Arthritis is a degenerative joint disease that is very painful. The cushion material in this disease, between the bones, degenerates slowly. Degeneration causes the two bones to rub together, causing inflammation, swelling, and severe pain.

diseases that risk of arthritis

Therefore, having a solution! A wet dog diet with minerals, essential collagen, and MSM protects against arthritis, reduces joint stiffness, and even enhances collagen production, which can help prevent degenerative diseases.

3-Maintain body weight:

Obesity is also a significant cause of joint diseases in dogs. If your dog is on a diet consuming too many calories, this can lead to obesity. Due to this, his body weight will increase, tension will be created in his muscles, and arthritis and joint pain will also start. 

Therefore, wet food is made with low carbohydrate and high fiber content, which keeps your dog’s weight in balance and, at the same time, protects him from joint and muscle diseases.

4- Nutritional package:

Wet Dog Food is a complete nutritional package that significantly improves your dog’s joints and physical and mental health. It also strengthens the immune system with the help of its antioxidants. Its smooth texture and nutritional contents play an essential role in making the dog’s digestive, kidney and nervous systems healthy.

With the help of its omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, it can moisturize the dog’s skin and coat and reduce inflammation in joints. It is not wrong to say that wet food is a complete package that can control all your dog’s health concerns.

Health concerns of wet dog diet on joints:

Along with its many benefits, a wet dog diet poses some health concerns for dogs with joint problems. The dog feels the need to pass stools frequently because it is a high moisture content (72%)  food that makes their stools frequent. 

a joint diseased dog lying on a table

Due to this, he has to walk, and the pain in his joints can increase further. However, wet food benefits outweigh its disadvantages, and because of this, all pet parents prefer them over dry Diet For Joints.


Finally, an excellent diet can improve the health of your dog’s joints. Still, it is also essential to know that many joint diseases are genetically transferred to the dog but cannot be eradicated.

But genetic joint diseases can certainly be reduced with the help of a good diet, so wet dog food is an excellent companion for joint and muscle pain. So, moist dog food and joint health are interrelated with each other. Could you read our other articles for more information on dog food with dog food?

If you want to know more tips about Diet For Joint Health For Dogs so you can watch this video of NHV natural health products.

Reviewer Jason Reynolds of my dog cravings review website

Reviewed By: Jason Reynolds

Team My Dog Cravings

Research References

Researcher Brian Mitchell at my dog cravings

Research By: Brian Mitchell

Team My Dog Cravings