What color is Labrador the most expensive?

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What color Labrador is most expensive? Complete Guide Due to specific genetic makeup, white and silver labs are very rare. Let’s discover which color Labrador is the most expensive and rare in the lab breed! Disclaimer If you buy something from a link on our site, we may earn a commission. See our advertising disclosure. Dismiss … Read more

Do labs have a double coat?

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Let’s find out if labs have a double coat. All about coat type Labs are famous for their shiny, fur and coat type. Do labs have a double coat? Yes, around 75% of labs have dual coats that provide many health benefits. Let’s debunk more! Disclaimer If you buy something from a link on our … Read more

What makes a silver Labrador Retriever?

why wont my dog eat his food but will eat human food

All about What makes a silver Labrador Retriever? Complete guide A silver lab with shiny blue eyes is the perfect embodiment of beauty, but what makes a silver lab Retriever so charming ? Let’s debunk all about this mysterious dog breed! Disclaimer If you buy something from a link on our site, we may earn … Read more